Online Energy Healing
Angelic Healing (Angelic Reiki with crystals and sound healing)
R.A.A.H Reiki Angelic Alchemy Healing
Angelic Healing Session
The session starts the placement of crystals and is followed with 10-15 minutes of sound healing with singing bowls. The rest of the session consists of Angelic Reiki.
Distant healing is as effective as a face to face session. There are no limits within time and space.
1 hour session £50
Singing bowls
I use a mix of Third eye, Heart, Throat and Sacral singing bowls.
The Heart singing bowl helps open up the heart space, which allows for beautiful healing to take place.
The Third eye singing bowl helps clear the third eye chakra. This will help you connect to your intuitive abilities.
The Throat chakra singing bowl helps clear negative energy from the throat chakra, whilst the Sacral Chakra singing bowl helps clear emotional trauma attached to your sacral chakra
I add Crystals during a healing session to amplify the power of a healing. After looking at your energy field, I will intuitively choose Crystals and add them energetically on and around your body. This works as effectively through an online session as it does face to face.
Crystals absorb, focus, direct, detoxify, shift and transmute energy as they interact with the electromagnetic forces and subtle vibrations within the subtle human or environmental energy field.
Angelic Reiki
Angelic Reiki works with the highest energies of the angelic realm to bring about healing and balance to those receiving the healing energy. The recipient is lovingly supported at a soul level to let go of physical, emotional and karmic imbalances. In addition, it can work on ancestral issues throughout time and space.
R.A.A.H Reiki (Reiki Angelic Alchemy Healing)
This Reiki Healing is an entity removal technique that uses sacred alchemy symbols to connect to your higher self and the higher Angelic realms when performing the healing. This energy work transmutes, cleanses, and balances energies within your mind, body and soul. We have found that the entities, AI and negative energies we hold within us both in our physical and energy bodies are the root cause of illness.Once these “inversions” have been released, the body is then able to reach a high enough vibration to begin its journey of self healing.
Before the session we have a chat where you can share any physical or emotional issues; specific memories of trauma or phobias that you would like to work on healing.
During the session
I work with the higher self and Angelic realm to clear the main chakras of excess and negative energy as well as insert sacred alchemy. This is followed by a detailed body scan where we see what has come up for clearing or removal at this time. Your Higher Self oversees and allows the healing you need in that time and space. The energy work includes balancing your chakras and energies through cleansing and clearing; transmuting negative cords, negative implants, hooks, and portals. These can be from this lifetime or past lifetimes.
The combination of the Sacred Alchemy symbols and Angelic energy works to create a bridge for you to connect stronger to your Higher Self
Each Zoom session lasts 1.5 hours to 2 hours. This includes an initial chat, the healing and a follow up chat after the session so we can discuss what has been found and cleared
1.5 to 2 hour session £88.
Once A R.A.A.H session has been booked I will email you a document with ways to prepare for this healing session.
R.A.A.H Reiki for animals
Our pets will often take on energies for us, as they work hard to keep us and our homes balanced. A R.A.A.H session is a great way to clear any imbalances within them.
1 hour £55
Gail is not a licensed medical professional
This past life/entity removal modality has been created by