A.U.R.A Disclaimer.
I have agreed to receive Angelic Universal Regression Alchemy hypnosis healing, a Quantum Healing by A.U.R.A practitioner, Gail Oakley.
I am willing to be guided through relaxation, visual imagery, hypnosis, and/or stress reduction techniques. I am aware that these modalities are non-medical in nature, and it is my responsibility to consult my regular doctor about any changes in my condition or changes in my medication. I understand the above modalities are not substitutes for regular medical care.
I understand that change is my own and complete responsibility. I understand that all healing is self-healing and Gail Oakley is only a “facilitator” in the process of helping me to resolve my own problem(s).
I understand that there will be energies that will speak through my session, from my higher self to other Divine energies as guides, angels, ancestors, pets etc.
I understand if I am undergoing hypnosis or visualization, I may be assigned “homework” or be asked to make changes to my life by my “Higher Self” in order to complete and solidify any healing or changes begun in our Quantum Healing Session today.
I understand that I might want to awaken because of imbalances in my body and/or energies. Gail will do her best to maintain me in my hypnosis state so that I might receive Quantum healing for my highest good.
I understand that I should seek assistance from a licensed medical professional for any serious psychological/physical/emotional ailments that I have.
I also hereby agree to Gail Oakley’s Cancellation Policy, being that I will notify Gail Oakley no less than 24 hours in advance of any appointments that need to be changed.